Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Reach as High as You Can Day

Meow Kitties!

     Is there a challenge you have been facing or enduring, but you cannot seem to find the motivational push to try to overcome it? Do you find yourself postponing any proactive choices because you are afraid of failure? No more, Kitties! Today is Reach as High as You Can Day! Whatever situation you find yourself in, use the power of courage from today to go after your dreams! Although you might not find all your success in one day, you will be one step closer because you finally took action! The adventure might not be quick as a cat's reflex, but it will be a fulfilling experience nonetheless. Whether big or small dreams, working towards one's passion is meow-velous!

     Although she is only five apples tall, Hello Kitty symbolizes such an inspirational and uplifting character! Her kawaii personality brings about such immense happiness and invites friendship wherever she goes. For Hello Kitty, there seems to be no limit! The countless collaborations with renown brands proves her success is not a cat's tale! She definitely did not take any cat naps along the way! All her influential kitty power has accumulated for the past 40 years and continues to expand and adapt through the generations!

     For me, Hello Kitty projects enormous positivity into my life, which encourages me to continue to strive for my passions and dreams despite the struggles I may come across. The experience you go through makes it all a worthwhile endeavor! How does Hello Kitty inspire you?

     Carpe Diem, Kitties! Take the opportunity to change your lives the way you always wanted! Do not let the fear of the unknown hold you back any longer. Life is too short to keep dreaming. It is time to go live your dreams! You will never know what you are capable of until you take that step forward! Take a deep breath. Now GO!


Thank you for all the kitty love & support!
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